Immaculate Heart Retreat Center offers to those who come through our doors hope, peace, and healing. Since the operations of Immaculate Heart Retreat Center are carried out by a small staff, volunteers help us to fulfill our mission. Our volunteers generously give of their time and talent to assist our ministry, because they believe in the spiritual enrichment that comes from this sacred space.
The titles of our volunteer groups were inspired by saints who have close connections to our Blessed Mother. As volunteers you can choose the duties that you feel comfortable in doing in each of the following groups.
If you feel that the Holy Spirit is calling you to join one or more of our volunteer groups please, go to our volunteer sign up tab, call us at 509-448-1224, or email: [email protected] to sign up.
St. Anne Volunteers
St. Anne Volunteers help with:
St. Joachim, the father of Mary, is the patron saint of fathers, grandfathers and cabinet makers