Weekend Retreat/Conference Schedule
Retreats and Days of Prayer unless specified are for adults18 years or older.
8 Day Ignatian Retreat
Rise at any time
6:30 – 9:30 AM - Continental Breakfast in Dining Room
8:00 AM (optional) Mass in Main Chapel
9:30 AM Spiritual Conference: a talk and guidance for the morning's prayer in Main Chapel. Contemplative prayer period/optional relaxation or appropriate reading
11:00 – Mass in the Main Chapel. (Please volunteer for reading, gifts, etc.)
12:00 – Noon Meal (in silence with appropriate music) in the Dining Room or outside
Options: siesta / walk or other exercise
3:00 PM Spiritual Conference: a talk and guidance for the afternoon and evening prayer in Main Chapel
5:00 to 5:30 PM Father is available for private confessions in the Main Chapel left sacristy.
5:30 – Evening Meal in the Dining Room
7:00 - Optional shared prayer time, or rest, depending on the evening and how the Holy Spirit is moving.