“Many of the most important decisions of my life have come to me during a retreat or have been finalized there…I doubt whether there could have been the same insights, convictions, courage and results.”
Bishop Topel
- Bishop Topel
Immaculate Heart Retreat Center
Just a little more than half a century ago, Spokane’s Bishop Topel envisioned a peaceful and private place where people could take quiet walks, reflect, pray and reconnect with God. He understood there was a need for everyone -- laity men and women as well as religious and clergy -- to receive spiritual renewal. He addressed this need in 1957 by appointing Msgr. David Rosage as the first Diocesan Retreat Director to locate and build a retreat center and to encourage people of all faiths to experience community, explore relationships and discover what gives their lives meaning and direction.
Msgr. David Rosage
Immaculate Heart Retreat Center
First Diocesan Retreat Director
Msgr. Rosage organized a retreat apostolate, purchased several acres at the foot of Tower Mountain in Spokane, Wash. and gathered the people of the Spokane Diocese to build and fund the retreat center. Immaculate Heart Retreat Center opened its doors in February, 1959 and continues to be a living and vibrant religious institution serving the retreat needs of the Inland Northwest (eastern Washington, north Idaho and western Montana and abroad.)
Our current Director, Rick McLean, works together with our volunteers, staff and retreatants to maintain a lively ministry centered on our mission statement: “Immaculate Heart Retreat Center, rooted in the Catholic faith, provides opportunities for spiritual growth to all people on their journey toward God in an atmosphere of prayer and reflection.” While our physical facilities and grounds have evolved over the years, the need for retreats has not changed. However, the needs of the people who attend retreats have changed, reflecting changes in the structure of our families, society, and the world. Currently, we serve 7,000 or more retreatants per year from all walks of life and all ages who seek spiritual renewal and the hope, peace and healing that only God can provide. All come here to reconnect with God in an atmosphere of prayer and reflection.